Thursday 3 January 2013

The 'Contact' Page

Like the About Me page, I want the Contact Page to have an image that I've taken on it so the viewer doesn't only have information to look at, there's also something interesting to look at. I want the image to be relevant to the page itself in order to not confuse people. I don't however want the image to be obviously related to the page, I want the viewers to wonder then realize why it's there.
This is the layout of my Contact page. Once again the background and top and bottom bars follow the same colours and style of the previous pages. I want these elements to be the same throughout to keep the pages consistent and linked. 
This is the photo that I'm going to put on the Contact page of my website because it does shoe a form of contact but in a less obvious and more artsy way! I think this photo will give the contact page something special and eye-satisfying. 

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